No one should be confused about how to grow in their faith
We believe that everyone can grow in their faith, walk in victory over sin and actively live out the gospel in his or her everyday life. The Discipleship PATH has simple steps to center your life on Jesus, because following Jesus is the only way to an abundant life of faith.
While the Bible tells us that the fruit of spiritual growth is outside of our control (Galatians 5) and that there’s a mysterious component to growing spiritually, the steps we are asked to take in order to grow are not a mystery.
We believe there are five steps every believer must continually take in order to partner with God in his or her spiritual growth.
The Steps
There are six steps every believer must continually take in order to partner with God in his or her spiritual growth.
While we believe that ultimately the Christian is dependent upon the Holy Spirit for spiritual growth, we also recognize the steps we can take to grow in our faith are simple and easy to follow. These steps are the same ones you take to grow in anything in your life!
First, you discern what God wants you to learn or grow in. Next, you learn the needed information and practice the new skill. Then you pause to reflect on your efforts and evaluate whether or not they are producing progress. Finally, you celebrate the progress — even while it’s happening.
Discern. Learn. Practice. Reflect. Celebrate. Repeat. These are the Steps of the PATH, and they are designed to be repeated over and over as God leads and directs you by His Holy Spirit.
Let’s look at each step and how it helps you as you seek to center your life on Jesus.

We start by asking God how He wants us to grow.
Our spiritual growth must be grounded in the Spirit’s prompting and guidance. As you begin, every believer should take time to discern what the Lord desires to be his or her next area of maturity and growth. This step includes intentionally seeking the Lord in prayer, reflecting on your spiritual walk, and allowing those close to you to act as a mirror.
- Lord, what do you desire that I focus on next?
- Lord, what areas of my walk have I been neglecting?
- Lord, how do you want to prepare me to be used by You in the future?
- Lord, how can I grow my relationship with You?
Take time to journal or assess:
- What area of discipleship have I put the least focus on
- What areas am I showing a lack of maturity?
- What part of the PATH do I still feel uncomfortable with?
Ask a trusted Christian friend or small group community:
I. Do you see an area God might want to use me that I need to prepare for?
II. Is there an area in my walk with Jesus that you think I could benefit from putting attention towards?
III. Do you see any place that I have neglected in my faith?
IV. What spiritual fruit do you see in my life?
We seek truth from God’s Word, His Spirit, and the community of believers.
Centering our lives on Jesus and living out the Gospel requires information and instruction. Learning comes through discovering insights from God’s Word and receiving advice and guidance from fellow believers and mature Christians., Group learning or corporate teaching can also help us and prompt us to step out in faith in ways we have never done before.

We apply the truth to our lives, taking practical steps in faith.
Practice is where you are challenged to take new steps of obedience. These practices will be stretching, no matter where you are on the journey. As you work on these practices, you can either (1) Continually work through the practices we’ve suggested, or; (2) Refine those practices or develop new ones of your own.
Check back soon for suggested sample practices.

We ask God how our steps of faith are producing spiritual fruit and greater love for Him.
The PATH is not a legalistic checklist, but a Spirit-led partnership with the Lord. The heart of the reflection process is to ask: “Are my steps of faith producing spiritual fruit?” This is a moment to pause, evaluate, and refocus your efforts to take the steps that grow your love for the Lord.
The PATH is supposed to draw you to a life centered on Jesus and living out the Gospel. The heart of the reflection process is to ask: Are my steps of faith and obedience producing spiritual fruit? Some questions to process with God:
- Has my love for God grown? Why or why not?
- Has my love for others grown? Why or why not?
- How have the steps of the PATH helped me center my life on Jesus and live out the Gospel?
- Am I treating the steps or the practices like a checklist to get through? How can I make sure to take time to process what God is doing in my life?
- Have I been disciplined to work on my relationship with God? How can I celebrate that or trust God to grow me in my discipline?
- Has my spiritual life become stale or routine? How can I trust God to grow me in tremendous ways?
- Have I been willing to be uncomfortable in my walk with God or am I holding back from growing in any area?
- Has God felt distant lately? How can I acknowledge that and what step do I need to take to believe the truth that God is always with me?
- Is there anything getting in the way of me growing in my relationship with God? How can I repent and move forward in that area?
- What is something good God has done in my life that I can be thankful for?
- Have I enjoyed my relationship with God? Have I recognized His love, grace, faithfulness, and holiness? Why or why not?
- In the past few days/weeks/months, have I increasingly centered my life on Jesus? Why or why not?
- In the past few days/weeks/months, have I increasingly lived out the Gospel? Why or why not?

What we celebrate is an invitation for God to accelerate. We thank the Lord for how He is working in our lives, the lives of others, and in the world.
When you see growth along the Discipleship PATH, there will be moments of celebration where you will thank the Lord for the work He’s doing in your life and receive encouragement from fellow Jesus-followers!
- On Your Own
- Lord, what do you desire that I focus on next?
- Lord, what areas of my walk have I been neglecting?
- Lord, how do you want to prepare me to be used by You in the future?
- Lord, how can I grow my relationship with You?
2. With Your Community
- What area of discipleship have I put the least focus on?
- What areas am I showing a lack of maturity?
- What part of the PATH do I still feel uncomfortable with?
3. With the Body of Believers
- Ask a trusted Christian friend or small group community:
- Do you see an area God might want to use me that I need to prepare for?
- Is there an area in my walk with Jesus that you think I could benefit from putting attention towards?
- Do you see any place that I have neglected in my faith?
- What spiritual fruit do you see in my life?

Time + Repetition = Faith Formation
Repetition sounds simple enough, but it requires a high level of patience. When stimuli are learned by repetition, they are remembered better and retained for a longer time. Studies have shown that the brain forms new pathways when a task is repeated often, thereby optimizing the performance of the skill.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5
P: Participating in God’s Story
A: Aware of God’s Presence
T: Transformed by God’s Word
H: Helping God’s Family
Participating in God’s Story
Being a Son or Daughter of the King
Everyone lives out of some story, a life-script that guides, directs, and shapes our living. For Christians, the Scriptures form our script. The Bible narrates what God is doing in the world and invites us to live in communion with God and to participate in what God is doing—something we might also call obedience.
The aim of our faith formation is participation in God’s life and mission.
Here are some ways we can learn to participate in God’s Story:
Aware of God’s Presence
Prayer + Formation + Holiness
Our spiritual growth is dependent upon a relationship with God. We want to relate to Him as our friend, Father, and Savior, and be attentive to what He has to say.
Here are ways we can Learn Awareness:
Transformed by God’s Word
Scripture + Theology
God has revealed Himself through His Word and that story is not just something we know, it is something that transforms us. As we read, study and meditate on Scripture, our lives become more and more centered on Jesus.
Here are ways we can become Transformed by God’s Word:
Helping God’s Family
Fellowship + Church
God did not just save us from our sin. He saved us out of sin to be part of His family. We each have a role to play in building up that family. And it is through that very community that God sharpens us.
Here are ways we can Help God’s Family: